JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD wants the 2024 election to run well, dignified, and civilized so as to produce a blessed leader or representative of the people.
"Something that is not well obtained will not give blessings and kindness," Mahfud said at an online press conference, Monday, November 13, which was confiscated by Antara.
The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs said that his party received various reports regarding alleged fraud in the electoral stages.
"It could be that the suspicion did occur, but it could also be just information manipulation. If it really happened, it might be done by the authorities, but it might also be done by ordinary civilians," said Mahfud.
As for reports about alleged election stage fraud, said Mahfud, the alleged installation of billboards and the decline in billboards of certain political parties by officials.
"A particular demonstration tool for the socialization of presidential/cawapres candidates was lowered by Satpol PP personnel, there were also reports of a number of police officers visiting certain political parties' offices suspected of being acts of intimidation," he said.
Mahfud said several reports also came from activists and civil society who reported allegations of intimidation by the authorities related to freedom of expression.
Various reports, said Mahfud, occurred in Jakarta, Bali, East Java, Central Java, and North Sumatra.
Regarding reports of alleged election stage fraud, Mahfud invited all Indonesians to carry out elections based on the principle of civil democracy.
"There should be no fraud, there should be no pressure on certain groups, and there should be no partiality to certain groups," said Mahfud Md.
Mahfud also reminded security forces such as the TNI, Polri, state and bureaucratic civil servants, as well as the KPU and Bawaslu to maintain neutrality so that the democratic party is healthy, peaceful, and dignified.
"Just as the President has repeatedly said, affirming his attitude that the General Election will take place neutrally. We follow the President's firm stance as the direction of our busyness in welcoming and holding the election as well as possible," said Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md.
The neutrality of state apparatus in holding elections, said Mahfud, has been regulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections.
He also asked people who join election contestants to be orderly in producing information, including by not producing fake news or hoaxes.
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