YOGYAKARTA - Indonesia is an archipelagic country with a very large territorial waters, so it has the potential for a maritime economy and economy. Although the two terms seem the same, there are maritime and marine economic differences that need to be understood.

Abundant marine resources in Indonesia can be used for the economic sector. The marine and maritime sectors contributed a very large percentage to the national economy. So what are the differences in the maritime and marine economy in terms of its goals and forms of activities?

The area of water in Indonesia has a coastline of 81,000 kilometers with various and abundant marine resources. Resources that can be taken or developed for the marine and maritime economy can be in the form of food, sea transportation, and environmental services.

Although both carry out economic activities at sea, here are the differences in the maritime and marine economy that you need to understand:

Maritime economy is a form of economy that refers to commercial shipping, ship maintenance, ports, sea transportation navigation, and so on. This type of economy takes a focus on industries related to the sea.

The purpose of the maritime economy is to increase the competitiveness of the country, share the cargo of the ship fleet, develop a strategic shipbuilding industry and have a long upstream-downstream chain. Maritime economic activities are carried out, namely to build a surrounding or coastal area.

Maritime economy is more related to economic activities that use sea transportation as the main means, it can be used to transport goods and people. Examples of maritime economic activities include shipping, the ship industry, container terminals, logistics for shipping goods by sea, ports, and maintenance as well as ship repair, marine tourism, and others.

The economy is an economic activity carried out in the sea, coastal and land areas as long as it comes from resources in the waters. Marine economic activities can produce goods and services.

The marine economy is carried out with the aim of building a marine area or coast to be more advanced and become an attraction for the country. In addition, the marine economy also plays a role in efforts to preserve the marine environment and its natural resources.

Examples of marine economic activities include shrimp ponds, seaweed cultivation, salt ponds, capture fisheries, floating boat markets, fishermen, fish auctions, fish preservatives, aquaculture, and others.

Waters or marine resources can be used to improve the economy of the community to the state. Here are some steps that can be taken to improve the economy of the marine sector.

Availability of marine products such as fish, crabs, shells, and others in an area can run low due to a number of certain factors. So that marine resources can continue to drive the economy, it is necessary to develop marine products. Marine cultivation steps can be in the form of breeding, breeding, maintenance, and harvesting plants and marine animals.

The development of fishing techniques and technology is needed to be able to make good use of marine resources. Fishermen need to use sustainable fishing techniques so that they can work efficiently, while not damaging marine ecosystems or habitats.

Tourism is also one of the driving sectors for coastal communities or living around the sea. By developing tourism seriously and sustainably, it can improve the economy, in the form of increasing tourist visits and opening up business opportunities and jobs for residents.

Based on the Organization for EconomicCo-Operation and Development, the sea has an important role for the world economy because it provides 90 percent of trade routes. Optimizing sea lanes in a sustainable manner can be a step to improve the economy, while ensuring the balance of marine ecosystems and biodiversity.

That's a review of maritime and marine economic differences that need to be understood. Both types of the economy use marine resources together, but have differences in terms of economic goals and activities.

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