The Regional State Intelligence Agency (Binda) of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel) continues to monitor former terrorism convicts (napiters) as a preventive measure against the emergence of terrorism networks.
The Head of Ops Binda Babel, Asep Trisyuana, said that monitoring was also carried out on the freedom of ex-convicts returning to Bangka Regency.
"This former convict has returned to Bangka, and this must be a common concern to always be vigilant," he said in Pangkalpinang, Babel, Wednesday, November 8, which was confiscated by Antara.
Asep said that the former convict was released on October 27, 2023 and has returned to Bangka. According to him, his party needs to increase vigilance and the role of the community is important in anticipating the emergence of terrorist networks.
"The public is expected to always be vigilant, because it is possible that not only these former convicts who carried out terrorists were suspected of him, there may also be other followers," said Asep.
According to him, currently there are several groups or people who want to continue and want their wishes to be followed by others, especially terrorist network groups that have been released by the government.
"This should be a common concern, especially since we have entered the political year," he said.
He stated that after the release of the former convict, he could potentially have a social conflict, especially the ideology of politics in society ahead of the 2024 General Election.
"This certainly affects, especially since we have monitored that there are groups or people who want to continue to understand terrorism in the community," he said.
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