The Presidential Palace hopes that the situation will remain conducive ahead of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) reading out the verdict regarding alleged ethical violations of the Constitutional Court judge when deciding Case Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates. "We want a good situation in the context of ahead of this election," said Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko when met at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Antara, Monday, October 6. Moeldoko said the Constitutional Court's decision which will be read out on Tuesday is a pure legal matter. The Constitutional Court's decision is related to the alleged ethical violation of the Constitutional Court judge when deciding Case Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the age limit for presidential/vice presidential candidates at least 40 years or once/in a position chosen through general elections including regional head elections. All parties, said Moeldoko, are expected to maintain the conduciveness of the national situation at every stage of the 2024 General Election. He reminded that the political dynamics in this political year should not interfere with the development process and national interests. "I think this is a pure legal issue. So we once again hope that let's take care of this condition together, we maintain this political situation, don't beat others," he said. According to Moeldoko, the challenges of the nation ahead are still very much, such as achieving food security in the midst of the global food crisis, fulfilling energy security, and also efforts to maintain economic stability amid global economic uncertainty. "There are many other state affairs, we face food matters, face energy, the global economy, and so on. It is much more important than just political matters, in the end it will make stability," he said. Previously, MKMK Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie said his party had collected evidence and examined witnesses for 21 reports of alleged ethical violations of the Constitutional Court judge received by the Constitutional Court.
All evidence related to the alleged violation of the code of ethics by the Constitutional Court judge was also declared complete. The Constitutional Court has scheduled a decision on reports of alleged violations of the ethics of the Constitutional Court judge on Tuesday (7/11) or six days before the determination of participants for the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections (Pilpres) on November 13, 2023.

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