JAKARTA - The Ombudsman asked the Directorate General of Customs and Excise at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) to improve goods expenditure services from Free Trade Areas and Free Ports (KPBPB) to other places within the customs area. "In the results of our study, we detected that there are several things that need to be improved by Customs and Excise," said Head of Main Assistant III of the Indonesian Ombudsman Yustus Maturbongs in a press conference that was followed online in Jakarta, Friday, November 3. Ombudsman issued a study on potential maladministration of goods expenditure from free-trade zones. From the study, the Ombudsman found potential maladministration in the form of procedural and incompetent deviations. In a quick study, the Ombudsman detected an incommensurate treatment and procedure for spending goods from the Free Trade Area to the Customs Area, period of goods expenditure, methods or goods inspection procedures, notification of approval or rejection of goods expenditure, and mechanisms for determining the amount of goods import duties. Yustus said these things need to be corrected by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. In addition to these improvements, the Ombudsman also encouraged the increase in the capacity of customs officers in line with the emergence of depository service phenomena (jastip).

Not only that, Yustus said customs officers also need to be increased and supervision needs to be tightened when passenger traffic increases.

Yustus menyarankan agar Bea Cukai mengintegrasikan sistem terutama terkait dengan regulasi-regulasi. Selanjutnya, pemerintah juga perlu mengevaluasi adanya penetapan kawasan perdagangan bebas dan pelabuhan bebas.Menurut Yustus, kajian yang dilakukan Ombudsman bertujuan untuk mendorong perbaikan tata kelola bea cukai. Hasil kajian juga diharapkan mampu meninjau kebijakan free trade zone secara lebih komprehensif.Sementara itu, Direktur Fasilitas Kepabeanan Ditjen Bea dan Cukai Kemenkeu Padmoyo Tri Wikanto mengatakan pihaknya telah menerima hasil kajian Ombudsman dan akan melakukan perbaikan atas sejumlah rekomendasi Ombudsman."Ini adalah kajian yang telah disusun dan kami siap untuk melakukan tindak lanjutnya. Mudah-mudahan kajiannya cukup komprehensif dari sisi kesisteman, sumber daya manusia, legal atau dasar hukum, juga dari sisi infrastruktur semua dipotret. Dan mudah-mudahan dengan kolaborasi kementerian/lembaga terkait, kami dapat melaksanakan rekomendasi tersebut," kata Padmoyo.

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