1. JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the Jakarta Metropolitan Police again held a raid and vehicle tickets that did not pass the test at a number of points in Jakarta today. The emission test ticket will take effect until the end of 2023.

Head of DKI Jakarta Environment Agency Asep Kuswanto said the main target of the vehicle that would be dismissed and checked for exhaust emissions was a vehicle that was more than three years old, seen from the police number.

"Vehicles that are over 3 years old are not targets, but indeed we ask all vehicles that pass at these points which are estimated to be the age of the vehicle for more than 3 years we will stop and then carried out the emission test examination," Asep said while reviewing the implementation Tickets in East Jakarta, Wednesday, November 1.

However, vehicles that have not been 3 years old can also be raided. In general, the police officers and the Department of Transportation will stop the vehicle randomly to check the emission test and wear a ticket if it is declared not graduated

It's just that, Asep said the vehicle that issued thick smoke would definitely be raided, whatever the age of the vehicle.

"Indeed, if it is easy to obstinate the vehicle that issued a fairly thick smoke, it is likely that the emissions are not maintained," said Asep.

So, he asked the public to routinely care for and select the motor vehicle that they used to move to continue to pass the emission test.

Furthermore, Asep said, this emission test ticket will be carried out once a week. In fact, his party will randomly hold a ticket for emission tests several times a week.

"We hope that the purpose of the implementation of this emission test ticket is to increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining personal motor vehicle emissions owned by all residents," explained Asep.

"So, it is expected that in the future with the better air quality, public awareness will also increase, the air quality will also be even better and air pollution is also hopefully reduced," he added.

Initially, the emission test ticket had been carried out since September 1, 2023. However, the implementation was only carried out in the first week and the Metro Police decided to stop it.

At that time, the emission test ticket was stopped temporarily to provide an opportunity for the community to undergo an emissions test in order to control air pollution in Jakarta. Now, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government records more and more vehicles conducting emissions tests. Thus, the emission test ticket has been effectively carried out.

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