The Transition Period To Rainy Season Falls Dozens Of Trees In Surakarta, BPBD Asks To Beware Of Hydrometeorological Disasters
Illustration of fallen trees due to heavy rain followed by strong winds. (Between)

JATENG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java appealed to residents to be more prepared to face weather changes from the dry to the rainy season, especially hydrometeorological disasters. Head of Surakarta City BPBD Nico Agus Putranto also asked the public to be more responsive in dealing with strong winds as a result of extreme weather changes that began to occur. "For residents who are in areas adjacent to the river, they will be potentially prone to flood disasters," he said in Solo, Central Java, Thursday, October 26, which was confiscated by Antara. Moreover, he said, in heavy rains that occurred Tuesday, October 24, it resulted in dozens of trees falling due to being hit by wind. Therefore, he hopes that residents who live close to riverbanks should be alert because they are prone to flooding. "Residents are expected to anticipate the possibility of flooding disasters in their respective environments," he said. He said, one of the efforts that can be made is to keep the environment clean, starting from sewers and rivers around. "The hope is to avoid floods and landslides," he said.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Wali Kota Surakarta Teguh Prakosa mengatakan beberapa lokasi pohon tumbang, di antaranya depan RS Panti Waluyo, Selter Manahan, dan di kawasan depan Balai Kota Surakarta.Bahkan sejumlah pohon tumbang menimpa kendaraan yang kebetulan parkir di bawahnya. Terkait hal itu, Teguh mengatakan sejauh ini masih menunggu laporan yang masuk."Biasanya kalau begitu pemkot harus memberikan ganti rugi, karena perawatan pohon oleh Dinas Lingkungan Hidup. Biar ada laporan dulu, mana saja, korban siapa," tandasnya.

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