JAKARTA - Leader of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, as well as Islamic Hamas and Jihad from Palestine held a meeting to discuss steps the alliance must take to win, Hezbollah said Wednesday.

As part of the Iran-backed regional alliance, Hezbollah, which is fully armed, has carried out daily firefights with Israeli forces along the Israel-Lebanon border since the war broke out between Israel and Hamas on October 7.

In his statement, Hezbollah said the meeting involved their leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Deputy Chairman of Hamas Saleh al-Arouri and Chairman of Islamic Jihad Ziad al-Nakhala. However, Hezbollah did not mention when the meeting took place.

"The assessment is carried out against international positions taken and what the Resistance Axis must do, to realize a real victory for resistance in Gaza and Palestine, to stop brutal aggression," Hezbollah said.

"There is an agreement to continue coordination," continued Hezbollah.

On that occasion, Hezbollah also announced the deaths of two of its members, increasing their death toll to 40 members since the start of the conflict.

In addition, Hezbollah's press office also released a letter handwritten by Nasrallah, praising those who have died in the battle against Israel, its first statement since the war broke out.

It is known, since the Hamas attack on October 7, armed clashes broke out on the Israeli-Lebanon border almost daily.

Sayyed Nasrallah received PIJ's leader Ziad Nakhaleh and deputy to Hamas political bureau Saleh al Arouri Among other topics, discretions regarding the appropriate measures that Resistance Axis members must take to reach a definite victory in Gaza and Palestine took place pic.twitter.com/Kg4uQO709i

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