JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked all his staff to be aware of terror attacks during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). This is because there have been 6 acts of terrorism at the democratic party in 2019.
The statement was made when giving directions at the Ceremony of the 2023 Brata Operations Forces at the Monas Cross Field, Jakarta.
"In the 2019 election, there were 6 acts of terror attacks and this should not happen in the 2024 election," said Sigit, Tuesday, October 17.
Moreover, there is currently an attack between Hamas and Israel. This is undeniable to have an impact on the situation in Indonesia.
Therefore, Sigit asked for an optimized preventive strike step. Thus, it can minimize the occurrence of terrorist acts that are very disturbing to the community.
"Optimize the preventive strike so that terrorists can be arrested before launching their actions. So that we can ensure that at least we don't have the slightest eruption in the 2024 election," he said.
Not to forget, all staff were also asked to continue to coordinate with institutions and institutions related to the handling of election crimes.
"Regarding election crimes, coordinate, collaborate between pillars of the Gakkumdu center so that the handling of violations and settlement of election crimes can be carried out in a professional, transparent manner, so as to get legitimacy from the community," said Sigit.
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07 Maret 2025, 00:04