JAKARTA - A video circulated showing a mother throwing her baby in a large bucket in the bathroom. In the 41-second video, the baby is seen being thrown, she cries while her mother or perpetrators laugh.

According to information received by VOI, the mother's heinous act against her child took place in a house on Jalan Penerangan, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta. According to sources, the action was carried out on Friday, October 13.

In the video, the baby continues to cry loudly while moving its limbs. But really cruel, the mother actually laughed and didn't help her. Until finally the baby was drowned into a large bucket so that it didn't make a sound.

VOI sources suspect that the woman or perpetrator is depressed, so that she has the heart to do this to her baby.

"Her mother is suspected of being depressed," Pratiwi said when confirmed, Sunday, October 15.

Sumber VOI mengaku sudah menyebut sudah ke lokasi kejadian bersama Komnas Pelindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) Jakarta.

"We have been there with Komnas Jakarta," he concluded.

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