The South Sumatra Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has scheduled a weather modification technology (TMC) operation in October 2023.
Head of the Emergency Management Division of the South Sumatra BPBD, Sudirman, said that efforts to extinguish rain to extinguish forest and land fires (karhutla) in South Sumatra will be carried out. "Based on the results of a central BPBD meeting with BMKG, several cloud points were found in South Sumatra that could be smeared. This allowed us to carry out TMC," he said in Palembang, South Sumatra, Monday, October 2, confiscated by Antara. He added that TMC was focused on two districts in South Sumatra, namely Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) and Ogan Ilir (OI) Regencies. That's because the two regions have the most smoke fog sent to Palembang City.TMC which was carried out using helicopters from BRIN and its operation was still the same as before, only this time the potential of the cloud could be emitted and rain was more likely through these efforts. Previously, on Sunday 1 October TMC was carried out by the BPBD and the results were that several points in South Sumatra such as the Tanjung Enim area, Pagar Alam, Lubuk Linggau, and OKI then rained down in the area. He hopes that in Palembang City it will also rain so that the smog from this forest and land fires can be resolved. "In Palembang we also carried out TMC with potential clouds that allow, we hope that rain can fall," he said.
Previously, the Coordinator for Observation and Information of the BMKG Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin (SMB) II Palembang Sinta Andayani said the potential for rain to fall in early October would occur in the West region of South Sumatra, such as in the districts of Musi Rawas, North Musi Rawas, Lubuk Linggau, and Pagar Alam. However, the intensity of the rain is still relatively light rain. He added that the OI and OI whose forest and land fires caused smoke in Palembang City, early this October the potential for rain was still low. "About two to three days in the future the potential for rain in OKI and OI is still low," he said. According to him, rain is the most effective thing to extinguish the current forest and land fires.
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