BONDOWOSO - The Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Bondowoso Police, East Java, arrested a 48-year-old man on suspicion of burning a forest on the slopes of Mount Ijen.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bondowoso Police, AKP Joko Santoso, confirmed that the man had deliberately set fire to the forest on the slopes of Mount Ijen. Now the person concerned has been arrested by the police, and is currently still undergoing investigation in the investigator's room.

"It is true that we have made arrests and are currently still being investigated in the Satreskrim investigator's room," said AKP Joko Santoso as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 26.

The information gathered stated that the location of the forest burning incident was precisely in Sempol Village, Inspector General District, or in Block Aren plot 102 E RPH Belawan BKPH Sukosari KPH Bondowoso.

From the results of the investigation by the local Police Satreskrim investigators, the perpetrator with the initials AR set fire to the forest for the clearing of agricultural land.

In front of investigators, the perpetrators of the forest burning on the slopes of the Mount Ijen Nature Tourism Park before burning first cut grass and cleaned the weeds, then burned them.

As a result of the perpetrator's actions by deliberately burning the forest, forest destruction reached 0.5 hectares.

Until now, the Bondowoso Satreskrim investigators are also developing the case to find out whether the perpetrators work alone or in groups.

In addition to securing the perpetrator with the initials AR, a resident of Ijen Subdistrict, the police also questioned a number of witnesses. The police also confiscated several pieces of evidence, such as grass cleaning equipment, matches, machetes, and several plastic bottles.

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