TANGERANG - Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Sigit Dany Setiyono revealed the role of three suspects in the rioting case at Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Sunday, September 24.
He said the three suspects played a role in beating, looting and destroying property to traders at Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.
"The role of the three people we have named as suspects in the clash case is the perpetrator of the beating or article 170 (KUHP) which resulted in the victim being injured, either by a stab wound," Sigit told reporters at the Tangerang Police, Tuesday, September 26.
"Then also blunt object injuries, including damage to several properties of traders in Kutabumi Market (Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency)," he continued.
Based on the confessions of the suspects, they were the ones who damaged the food stalls and jewelry stores.
"Sembako shops and one from jewelry stores. There were losses and also material damage that occurred," he said.
Regarding the motives of these perpetrators for destroying and beating traders at Kutabumi Market, he admitted that he still could not convey that the karana was still being investigated.
"Furthermore, we will also continue to look for the link between these perpetrators and the motives behind this incident," he said.
Tangerang Police arrested 7 perpetrators who were suspected of being involved in beatings and looting at Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Sunday, September 25.
"We secured 7 people, which we then followed up with an investigation," Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Sigit Dany Setiyono told reporters at the Tangerang Police, Tuesday, September 26.
Sigit Dany Setiyono said that of the 7 perpetrators arrested, three of them have been named as suspects. The rest are still witnesses.
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