TANGERANG - Acting Regent of Tangerang, Andi Ony Prihantono, spoke about the information accusing PD Pasar of being involved in the rioting of thugs with traders at Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.

According to Andi, it was only a unilateral statement. Because at this time his party has fully handed over to the police to investigate the mastermind of the riots at Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Sunday, September 24, yesterday.

"Yes, that's a unilateral statement, I conveyed earlier, this will be followed up. It was mitigated by the security forces, especially from the National Police," Andi told reporters, Monday, September 25.

Andi asked the public to wait for the results of the police investigation so that the police can reveal who was involved in the riots.

"We are waiting for 1-2 days, he who has the expertise to mitigate who he is, who is involved in this," he said.

Dozens of kiosks belonging to traders in Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis District, Tangerang Regency, Banten, were damaged by a group of suspected thugs.

The destruction of the market kiosk occurred at around 13.00 WIB by a number of unknown people using objects such as stones to blocks. Not only destroying kiosks, the perpetrators carried out persecution, looting a number of items belonging to traders.

The thugs also carried out kidnappings and confinement of three traders at Kutabumi Market.

"Suddenly hundreds of thugs immediately attacked, people carried wood, hammer and iron hammers. I was immediately hit in the head, back and arms and injuries," said Prihadi (50) one of the traders at Kutabumi Market in Tangerang.

The thugs damaged dozens of kiosks/los, looted merchandise and money from traders. "The thugs said that from Perumda Niaga Kerta Raharja, Tangerang Regency," he said.

Several of his colleagues were kidnapped and held captive by the thugs. In fact, he continued, some of the traders were injured.

"I don't know the fate of my colleague who was kidnapped. But just look at the condition of Kutabumi Market being damaged by them," he said.

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