PAPUA - The Cartenz Peace Task Force arrested a man with the initials ET alias LD alias Altau (27), a member of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), an subordinate of Egianus Kogoya.
"ET alias LD alias Altau (27) was arrested in the vicinity of Nabire Hospital, Nabire Regency, Central Papua Province," said Head of the Cartenz Peace Task Force Kombes Pol Faizal Rahmadani when contacted Thursday, September 21, confiscated by Antara.
He explained, from the data he obtained, Altau was involved in a series of acts of terror both against residents and the authorities.
Among other things, the person concerned was involved in the attack on TNI members in Kindibam and managed to seize a long-barreled firearm belonging to the TNI on March 17, 2019, followed by attacks on civilians in Nogolaid Village and Yosoma Kenyam Village which resulted in 11 deaths and two injuries on July 16, 2022.
Not only that, but Altau was also involved in a shootout with security forces in the Nogolaid village of Kenyam District on July 19, 2022, blocking the community and seizing cellphones on the Poros Kenyam 'Batas Batu Street, Kerepkuri District on July 25, 2022, involved in burning heavy equipment belonging to PT Tunas Jaya Irian which resulted in four heavy equipment being damaged on August 4, 2022, involved in the shooting/attacking of the Cartenz Peace Task Force's Brimob Kotis Post in Koteka on January 6, 2023.
Head of the Cartenz Peaceful Public Relations Task Force AKBP Bayu added that his party will continue to make efforts to develop and enforce the law against the KKB group.
"We will continue to make efforts to pursue, arrest and enforce the law against the KKB in order to maintain a conducive security and social security situation in Papua," he said.
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