JAKARTA - Five national figures with various backgrounds skinned Ganjar Pranowo. Things that range from political careers, the story of Ganjar's life, controversy, symbols, to his family background.

The five figures are historian Asvi Warman Adam, Chairman of BPK 2019 -2022 Agung F. Perfect, national ideological expert Sudhamek AWS, political observer Fachry Ali, UGM academic AAGN Ary Dwipayana and psychologist Hanna Rahmi. The five figures skinned Ganjar through a biography review of 'Hitam Putih Ganjar', in Jakarta on Thursday 14 September.

According to Asvi Warman Adam, what is presented in Ganjar's Black and White book is very objective because it was written by an independent team, namely the Issuance of Kompas Books. Even according to Asvi Warman, the writing process is very thorough because it is also supported by the research team.

Even before issuing the Black and White Ganjar, the Publisher of the Kompas Book had also written a book about Ganjar's track record of work entitled Bridge Change.

"Other presidential candidates have also published books that explain personal and achievement. But this book is more complete because it explains that from childhood, school, college, work to Ganjar is a member of the DPR and governor," he said.

From this detailed depiction, Asvi continued, the community was encouraged not to choose a leader in a sack in the future. This means that the track record and idea of developing a country that is owned by a candidate for leadership is really tested and proven.

"As illustrated in this book. It turns out that Ganjar for 10 years led Central Java has given birth to 333 innovations and 148 awards," he said.

According to Asvi, all these achievements can be felt by the community, especially residents of Central Java. Because Ganjar uses a lot of local wisdom symbols to bring change to society. That is what makes Asvi Warman confident that Ganjar will bring great energy to Indonesia's progress.

The great energy conveyed by the historian was then strengthened by the Chairman of the BPK for the 2019-2022 period, Agung F. Perfect. According to him, all the success of Ganjar's great work is based on the spirit of good service to the community.

"The proof is that the Central Java community satisfaction index is increasing, the human development index in Central Java is increasing, the happiness index is also increasing. Even the highest nationally," he said.

To show Ganjar's virtue, he even quoted his expression Mahatma Gandi, as the best way to find herself to be immersed in serving others.

"Dan Pak Ganjar sangat menikmati proses dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Pelayanan untuk apa? Untuk mengubah hidup agar menjadi lebih baik. Bahkan seluruh capaian kerja beliau tidak pernah dia klaim sebagai capaian pribadi. Tapi hasil kerja semua lapisan masyarakat," katanya.

Meanwhile, a national ideological expert, Sudhamek AWS, said Ganjar's background and hard work had forged intelligence on him. Namely intelligence in dealing with problems. If someone easily runs away when they face problems, said Sudhamek, then it is difficult for him to achieve success in the next stage.

"But Ganjar Pranowo is different, he dares to take risks to face and solve problems. That is what many candidates for leadership in this Republic do not have," he said.

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