JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) together with BRIN, BMKG and TNI are spraying water into the air using the water mist spraying method using two Cesna aircraft.
Head of the BNPB Disaster Data and Communication Center, Abdul Muhari, said that the operation to remove air pollution using aircraft had been carried out for a week, from Monday, September 4 to Monday, September 11.
"With a flight duration of 82 hours 50 minutes and carrying 70,500 liters of water which was sprayed to form artificial evaporation in the skies of Jakarta," said Abdul Muhari in his statement, Tuesday, September 12.
In one day, each plane makes four sorties in several areas in Jakarta, including Central Jakarta, East Jakarta and North Jakarta.
BNPB will continue to make efforts to reduce pollution in Jakarta for the next few days and by adjusting the necessary conditions.
"These efforts are starting to have a significant impact where there is a reduction in the PM 2.5 pollutant value based on iqair.com, so that the skies in the Jakarta area are starting to look clean," he explained.
So far, the DKI Provincial Government has operated water mist on a micro scale installed on top of tall buildings. Installation and operation of water mist is mandatory in buildings owned by the DKI Provincial Government and private sectors.
The water mist device which is placed at the edge of the building is equipped with a nozzle to create a fine water droplet effect, a water booster pump so that it can pass through the nozzle at high pressure, a booster fan, and a water reservoir.
This tool is usually operated for 8 hours per day. It is recommended that water mist be installed in buildings with a height of 20 meters to 200 meters to produce a concentration of air pollution in a radius of around 30 to 75 meters.
The angle of the water pipe in the water mist needs to be directed at a 45 degree angle so that spraying can be more effective. The water source that exhales the water mist is taken from inside the building.
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