JAKARTA - Researcher of the UGM Pukat Zaenur Rohman said the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) could not arbitrarily examine people who were not related to allegations of corruption. He conveyed this in response to the request of Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI Ahmad Sahroni to examine all presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) who run in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). He said, if you want NasDem, you can report parties suspected of corruption. Except NasDem wants to report to the KPK cases allegedly carried out by other presidential and vice presidential candidates, then open investigations and raise them up to the investigation stage, well, they can be called up," said Zaenur to reporters, Tuesday, September 12. "So if there are no cases that the KPK cannot call people," he continued. Zaenur then assessed Sahroni's statement there is no legal basis. Because, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin's examination because the anti-corruption commission is investigating allegations of corruption in the procurement of the Indonesian workforce protection system (TKI) in the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker).. ) Until legally the event, on the basis of the law there is a guarantee in the Criminal Code, in the KPK Law in the Anti-Cor Law," said Zaenur.," said Zaenur. Previously, Ahmad Sahroni suggested that all candidates and vice presidential candidates be examined by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) before the 2024 presidential election. According to him, this step is good for ensuring that each candidate running in the clean presidential election from corruption cases.
"As leaders of Commission III as well as members of the party, I ask the KPK to create an examination program for all presidential and vice-presidential candidates," Sahroni said in a written statement to reporters. "Because in my opinion, in order to maintain the credibility of the KPK and public perceptions, things like this really need to be done by the KPK," he continued.
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