RIAU - Former Director of PT BRJ initials BS is a suspect in the alleged corruption in the construction of the Sungai Enok Bridge at the Indragiri Hilir District Public Works Office for the 2012 budget year.

Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the Riau High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) Bambang Heripurwanto said BS was detained after Kajati investigators conducted a case title.

"In addition to BS, the Director of PT BRJ with the initials HMF was also named a suspect. The company is a partner who worked on the project," he said, Friday, September 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

The modus operandi of the two suspects was that after the announcement of the Indragiri Hilir Regency Pokja II auction on May 17, 2012, HMF and BS completed the auction requirements. Then the two of them helped find fictitious personnel.

After completing the terms of the auction, BS and HMF made documents in the form of bid letters, job forecast recaps, and a statement of support for tools.

"Furthermore, after PT BRJ was declared the winner of the tender/auction, HMF entered as Director of PT. BRJ on the grounds of being job control," continued Bambang.

It did not stop there, BS and HMF then made a draft contract by falsifying the witness H's signature on the contract/adendum I and II documents of Rp14,826,029,360, minutes of negotiations and news of the handover of the field.

In carrying out the work, BS recommended AP Witnesses to work in the field and the suspect BS bought materials for the bridge construction.

"Every down payment and term was made by the suspect HMF by falsifying the witness H's signature. After the money entered the account of PT. BRJ, the suspect HMF signed and disbursed a check of around Rp. 1.3 billion from the account of PT. BRJ," he explained.

According to the ITB Physical Expert, the physical implementation of the work does not match the volume and specifications according to the contracts /adendum I and II so that according to the BPKP auditor this project has cost the state finances Rp1,842,306,309.34.

"To speed up the investigation process, BS was detained for 20 days at the Pekanbaru Class 1 Detention Center. Meanwhile, HMF has been summoned by investigators, but the person concerned has no good faith to fulfill the summons," he concluded.

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