JAKARTA - Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives responded to the policy of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) regarding thesis which is no longer the main requirement for graduation for undergraduate students and D4. This policy is considered to minimize the use of AI.

"So actually it can be done (free thesis), it just has to be understood so that literacy in writing skills remains not lost," said Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI Dede Yusuf Macan Effendi, Wednesday, August 30.

Previously, Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Makarim made new rules regarding the abolition of thesis, thesis and dissertation obligations as a condition for passing for students. Students are allowed to make projects or prototypes in accordance with directions from universities or campuses.

The new rules are contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 of 2023 concerning High Education Quality Guarantee and issued in line with the launch of the 26th Anniversary of Learning Episodes: National Standard Transformation and Higher Education Accreditation.

One of the requirements for universities not to require thesis to their students is that the student study program has implemented a project-based curriculum or other similar forms. However, for students who have not undergone a project-based curriculum, the requirement to graduate from college is the final task which also does not have to be in the form of a thesis.

Another form of thesis can be in the form of prototypes, projects, or other similar forms. This final task can also be carried out individually or in groups. Dede also said that the removal of thesis, thesis and dissertation had been carried out in several developed and developed countries.

"Several countries abroad are not required to have a thesis and can choose several options such as final exams, professional projects or intercession in qualified industries/institutions," said the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.

New rules for student graduation that are allowed to create projects and prototypes will help prepare them for real-world challenges. In addition, to provide in-depth insight into the field of study.

The project system is also considered to minimize the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which will affect authenticity in making thesis, thesis and dissertation. Dede considers this policy to be a step forward in dealing with the era of modernization.

"With the project system, it may be desired not only to be trapped in the form of writing. Especially now that there is an AI, such as the GPT Chat," said the former West Java Deputy Governor.

However, Dede reminded the Ministry of Education and Culture to make clear and standard rules regarding the elimination of thesis, thesis and dissertation requirements for students. According to him, there is still confusion in the regulation.

"Don't let go of their respective campus policies. It's even unclear who can change and which one hasn't been able to," explained Dede.

In this new regulation, the graduation requirements are not mandatory, the thesis and dissertation are left back to the university's decision. Each head of the study has the independence to determine how to measure student graduation standards.

For this reason, now the standard regarding the achievement of graduates is no longer elaborated in detail on the National Standard of Higher Education because universities can formulate integrated competence in attitudes and skills.

Dede assessed that if there are clear rules and derivatives, it will minimize errors in each project and the prototype made by students.

"Project base or social activities must also want the scientific study program taken. Don't have anything to do with it," he said.

On the other hand, Dede encourages the Government to intensify socialization and education in every campus and university regarding changes in the graduation requirements for students.

"The point is, every change must be handled carefully," concluded Dede.

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