The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) stated that the flow of clean water in Central Lombok has begun to decrease.

Central Lombok BPBD Head Ridwan Ma'ruf said his party estimated that his area had entered the peak of the 2023 dry season.

"Rain never goes down, so the condition of the water discharge in the residents' wells is reduced," he said in Praya, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Wednesday, August 30, was confiscated by Antara.

He said, on average, residents' wells that are far from springs such as in the areas of Praya City, East Praya District, Pujut, West Praya, Southwest Praya, and Jonggat District are starting to experience a drought of clean water.

In addition, he continued, water in a number of rivers is also dry, especially when an irrigation network for the Abyss Sate canal is being repaired by the River Basin Center (BWS).

"This dry season in 2023 has the potential to occur until November 2023," he said.

Meanwhile, for clean water assistance to the community, he said, it had been prepared and distribution had been carried out to people in need.

"Residents can apply for clean water through the village government," he said.

Meanwhile, Central Lombok Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) stated that currently the water sources they have managed have been shrinking. There are at least six springs that have been shrinking by up to 50 percent due to this year's dry season.

"Currently, our water discharge has decreased by 50 percent and the decrease in water discharge in this source is none other than due to the long dry season," he said.

For this reason, his party takes turns distributing water to customers in the western, central and eastern areas. "We do this to anticipate water shortages in the community," he said.

He appealed to the public, especially those in the springs, to play a role in maintaining springs, such as by not cutting down trees and so on.

"We continue to do various options so far in overcoming the problem of water shortages during this dry season, starting from the addition of springs such as blue lake culverts, the brains of Pematsir, and Lempanas," he said.

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