South Sulawesi Governor Andi Sudirman Sulaiman handed over one ship unit assistance to fishing groups from Barru Regency, South Sulawesi, as an effort to support the acceleration of economic recovery in the marine and fisheries sector.

"There is assistance for one unit of the ship, actually there are dozens of ships for our fishermen in several districts, but now only about 90 percent of the work is being carried out, the remaining engine has not been installed," said Andi Sudirman in the Lego-Lego Center Point of Indonesia area, Makassar, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 28.

The South Sulawesi Provincial Government through the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service has allocated assistance for fishing communities in the form of 18 ships with a budget of IDR 7.3 billion in 2023 to a number of districts/cities in South Sulawesi.

The South Sulawesi Provincial Government's annual program assistance has increased. In 2022, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government will spend a budget of IDR 1.94 billion with a total of 9 ships, 5 of which are fisheries vessels with a capacity of 5 GT.

Regarding the construction of this ship, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government entrusted ship craftsmen in Bulukumba Regency and Luwu Regency. Most or 16 of them were made in Bulukumba Regency.

"The assistance for fishing boats handed over is the work of phinisi ship craftsmen in Bulukumba Regency. Dozens of other ships are still in the process of being worked on," added Andi.

The Governor of South Sulawesi also witnessed the catinting boat racing competition as part of a series of activities for the 2023 South Sulawesi Anniversary which will be held on August 28-30.

The South Sulawesi Provincial Government presents this activity as a means of entertainment for fishermen in showing local wisdom in South Sulawesi. "Katining is a typical South Sulawesi boat that has begun to be modified," said Andi.

Head of the South Sulawesi Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service Muhammad Ilyas said that the handover of the ship to fishermen would be carried out again in mid-September.

"The shipbuilding contract has not yet been completed, so it is still in the final stage, just install the ship's engine. Hopefully in mid-September following the completion of the shipbuilding of several units," he explained.

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