Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto asked all parties to follow the applicable legal rules during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). The goal is that the ongoing democratic process can be carried out properly.

"The election only has six months left. Let's follow together with full discipline, all existing legal rules," Hasto told reporters in a written statement quoted on Wednesday, August 23.

Hasto said, the people have the highest sovereignty in determining their leaders in the future. "Don't use the law as a tool to tackle each other," he said.

Hasto also talked about the presidential candidate (candidate)'s age lawsuit to a maximum of 70 years. According to him, this material test is irrelevant to be submitted to the Constitutional Court (MK) especially if it is intended to tackle other candidates.

Hasto said this lawsuit is an open legal policy owned by the DPR. PDIP has even conducted a study and the result is that the Constitutional Court is considered not to have the authority to make decisions.

"The Constitutional Court does not have the authority to make a material content of a Constitution that is different from the main material content of the law. The authority of the Constitutional Court is to test whether a law is against the constitution," he explained.

If the lawsuit regarding the terms of age limit is considered as the authority of the Constitutional Court, Hasto is worried that there will be many lawsuits. "There are those who propose 17 years, 18 years, 19 years, some propose a maximum of 65 years, there are 72 years. Even learning from Mr. Mahathir (Prime Minister of Malaysia, ed) some propose that 98 years may be allowed, for example," he said.

So this is a problem that raises various problems. In fact, what must be studied is whether the content is against the constitution. That's why PDIP's attitude," concluded Hasto.

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