JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR revealed that the mechanism for changing the chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) after Hasyim Asy'ari was fired by the Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) related to immoral cases. Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI, Yanuar Prihatin, said that the replacement of the KPU chairman could be carried out immediately without the re-selection committee (pansel). According to him, Hasyim's replacement will be based on the serial number of the Pansel some time ago. So there is no need for a re-selection of candidates for KPU leadership. "The replacement has been regulated by law, so it's not too difficult. Right, there is already the next serial number, automatically the next number. So there is no longer the formation of a committee, a selection team. I just forgot his name. The five selected ones," said Yanuar, confirmed., Thursday, July 4th. Although there is no re-selection, Yanuar said, Commission II will still have discussions with the Ministry of Home Affairs. "The process is also confirmed to Commission II. Later in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs for this kind of matter. We will definitely discuss it in Commission II for the next follow-up, follow up on the results of the decision," said the PKB politician. In addition to coordinating with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Yanuar said, Commission II of the DPR will also discuss and summon DKPP in the near future to ask for an explanation regarding the decision.
"Surely later we will also call the DKPP, to explore this topic, we want to hear directly from the DKPP and we also want to hear the views of the Ministry of Home Affairs," he concluded.

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