PALANGKA RAYA - Central Kalimantan Police (Polda Kalteng) handled nine cases of land burning perpetrators, namely Kapuas Regency, West Kotawaringin and East Kotawaringin.
The Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Erlan Munaji, said that the nine cases were still in the process of being investigated, and stage one was still being investigated further and stage two had been completed.
Until now, the case handled by the Central Kalimantan Police is still dragging individual perpetrators.
Currently, the police have not received a report regarding the alleged land burning carried out by a corporation or company.
"Until now, we are still focusing on preventing and extinguishing efforts in forest and land fires that have occurred. But if there is an indication of intent, an investigation will be carried out," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 22.
The Central Kalimantan Police have also formed a special task force (Satgasus) for forest and land fires (karhutla), which will be carried out by the Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Central Kalimantan Police.
Meanwhile, the Polres ranks are handled by their respective Criminal Investigation Units (Satreskrim).
"We urge the public not to clear land by burning. Considering that there is a violation of the law in this case. We make sure to take firm action against people who deliberately burn land," said Erlan Munaji.
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