JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi met students and startup representatives from Indonesia to discuss the dynamics, the government's move to realize Indonesia's digital transformation on the sidelines of India's Digital Economy Ministers Meeting G20.

At the meeting, Minister of Communication and Information Budi did not forget to invite high-level students who were studying in India, especially in the field of technology to return to the country so that the national digital transformation acceleration program could be successful.

"After completing education, return them to Indonesia later. For friends who get a Kominfo scholarship, they must pass on time, keep the spirit of returning to Indonesia. Circulate the knowledge that you have received in India," Budi advised students, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 20.

To the students, the Minister of Communication and Information Budi shared information that currently the Indonesian government is continuing to accelerate the equitable development of telecommunication infrastructure in order to reduce the digital gap. In addition to building digital infrastructure, the Ministry of Communication and Information continues to produce digital talents to advance the nation's digital sovereignty, one of which is through providing scholarships, especially for fields related to digitalization and digital utilization.

The Minister of Communication and Information hopes that Indonesia can have young talents with expertise in technology so that it can bring positive changes while at the same time supporting the realization of the 2045 Advanced Indonesia Vision.

The Minister of Communication and Information also held a meeting with representatives of Indonesian startups who also participated in the G20 India supporting event, namely the G20 Digital Innovation Alliance (DIA) 2023.

The event, which is a continuation of the G20 Digital Innovation Network (DIN) initiated by Indonesia in 2022, provides space for startup industry players to be able to build networks and introduce their innovations to the wider community.

I see that there are some startups friends who have come all the way from Indonesia to join the G20 Digital Innovation Alliance. I hope my friends can show Indonesia's progress in developing digital technology as well as show problems solving skills with digital technology-based solutions," said Budi.

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