JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party responded to the results of the LSI Denny JA survey which placed Gerindra Chairman Prabowo Subianto in the top position of the presidential candidate (candidate) with 38.2 percent electability.
Deputy Gerindra Habiburokhman assessed that Prabowo's electability was slowly becoming more stable towards the top position. On the other hand, he also reminded cadres to stay grounded.
"Regarding the LSI Denny JA survey, we feel slowly but surely Pak Prabowo's electability trend is getting more stable at the top position," Habiburokhman told reporters, Tuesday, August 15.
According to Habiburokhman, one of the factors that made Prabowo's electability increase was public satisfaction with Prabowo's performance as Minister of Defense. Then, the level of satisfaction with the Jokowi government also affects.
"Thirdly, the public seems to understand that Pak Prabowo is very competent to continue all achievements, legacy, and all current government achievements," he said.
Even so, Habiburokhman asked all Gerindra cadres not to be proud regarding the results of the survey. According to him, Gerindra cadres must continue to work optimally to serve the community.
"Pak Prabowo instructed all cadres not to be proud regarding the results of a good survey, but instead the maximum work at the lower level to serve and help the people," he said.
It is known, the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) Denny JA released the results of its latest survey regarding the electability trend of 3 presidential candidates, Prabowo Subianto, Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan. Prabowo Subianto's electability trend has increased from January 2023 to July 2023.
Based on survey data, Prabowo only received 25.4 percent of the vote in January 2023. Meanwhile, in May 2023, Prabowo Subianto's electability rose to 33.9 percent.
In June 2023, his electability rose again to 34.3 percent in July and touched 38.2 percent.
"Mr. Prabowo, when viewed from the figure of 25.4 percent, 33.9 percent, 34.3 percent, 38.2 percent, this electability looks rising," said LSI researcher Denny JA, Ardian Sopa in a virtual presentation, Monday, August 14.
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