A gang of motorbike thieves managed to get away with a motorbike belonging to a boarding house resident in the Jalan Cempaka Putih Timur XIV area, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta. The theft was caught on CCTV cameras at the scene.
Irfan, a boarding house resident who is also a victim of theft, said the perpetrators of motorcycle theft amounted to 4 people.
"The perpetrators were caught on surveillance cameras and they have four perpetrators," he told reporters, Monday, August 7.
Furthermore, Irfan said, from the CCTV camera footage, it can be seen that the four people have their respective roles. Two actors act as executors of motorcycle theft. One of the executors of the theft used an online motorcycle taxi (ojol) helmet.
"Meanwhile, the other two are watching outside. From the surveillance camera, they only need 3 minutes to dismantle one motorbike. The motorbike that was successfully carried was a Vario type," he said.
The perpetrator also broke into another motorbike, but the motorbike was not taken away. The perpetrator only took away one motorbike. At that time, the fence of the boarding house was not locked.
"Last month there was a house that was burglarized as well and here it is very vulnerable," he complained.
Responding to the theft of the motorbike, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cempaka Putih Police, AKP Suprayogo, said that his party had checked the crime scene (TKP). Investigators also secured CCTV footage.
"We are still investigating the motorcycle theft case. It seems that the perpetrator used a fake key that had been prepared to carry out the action," he said.
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