JAKARTA - KemenPPPA is providing assistance in cases of sexual abuse involving two students who were committed by AG (45), a high school guidance and counseling (BK) teacher in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province.
"The Ministry of PPPA's SAPA team continues to coordinate with the Riau Province UPTD PPA to oversee the legal process and follow-up and other assistance efforts for victims as needed," said Deputy for Special Protection for Children of the Ministry of PPPA Nahar when contacted in Jakarta, Monday 7 August, as quoted by Antara.
The perpetrator AG is alleged to have molested the two female students repeatedly in the counseling room. This depraved act was carried out by AG from May 2022 to February 2023.
"The alleged incident was discovered during an attempted obscene act on the third victim," he added.
The first victim (19) was the perpetrator's adopted child and had graduated from high school, while the second victim (17) was the perpetrator's student.
AG allegedly recorded the sexual immorality he committed against the victim. This depraved act was also accompanied by threats to spread the video of the victim.
Until now, Nahar said, the Rokan Hulu Regional Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) had conducted outreach to the victim's residence and conducted an assessment of the victim.
Then UPTD PPA Rokan Hulu together with UPTD PPA Riau conducted tracking to find out about the possibility of other victims.
AG, who is an honorary teacher at a high school (SMA) in Rokan Hulu Regency, has been arrested by Rokan Hulu Police investigators and named as a suspect in a rape case against children and adults.
For his actions, AG was charged under the Child Protection Act and the Sexual Violence Act.
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