JAKARTA - Indonesian Safari Park, Bogor Regency, West Java, married two giant pandas from China, named Cai Tao and Hu Cun when they entered the age of 13.

One of the giant panda keepers of Taman Safari, Cicih Lidia in Bogor, Sunday, said that the TSI manager had high hopes for the two giant pandas to reproduce during this year's marriage.

Because, he said, panda's marriage period only occurs once a year and its fertile period lasts one week.

"So if for example we miss the fertile period, it must be repeated next year. The purchasing program," said Cicih as quoted by Antara.

He explained that giant pandas have a period of 90-150 days, with one calf giving birth each time they give birth.

"In Safari Park, there are only two. Hu Chun and Cai Tao. Hopefully this year it will increase. This pair is one month apart. He is the same age as 13 years old," he explained.

Cicih explained that the animals at the Panda Palace in the Bogor Safari Park can still be found by visitors even during their marriage period. However, there are certain times when both cannot be seen, especially when the breeding process is in progress.

Cai Tao and Hu Chun are from Chengdu, Sinchuan Province, China. Both were immediately quarantined at TSI Cisarua, Bogor, after arriving in Indonesia on September 28, 2017.

After going through the quarantine process, the giant panda pair has adapted both to the location, climate, and surrounding weather, including the animal care and veterinarians who care for it.

When he came to Indonesia Cai Tao the male panda weighs 128 kg, while his partner Hu Chun weighs 113 kg.

The panda delivery is the result of Indonesia-Chinese cooperation in the field of animal conservation. The agreement was reached in the 63rd anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China in 2013.

Then followed up with the signing of a memorandum of understanding in 2016. The memorandum of understanding was carried out through concrete cooperation between PT Taman Safari Indonesia and the China Wildlife Conservation Association (CWCA).

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