JAKARTA - 13 people were killed by a ship carrying more than 100 passengers capsized off the coast of Mumbai, India, after colliding with an Indian Navy ship (previously called a speedboat).

The Navy said 99 people had been rescued and efforts were made to save others.

India's Navy ship lost control while testing engines at Mumbai Harbor due to engine failure. As a result, the ship collided with a passenger ship which capsized later, "the Navy said in a statement on X.

Local TV channels show a ship carrying at least five people crashed into a passenger vehicle causing an accident.

The fast boat hit our boat and the water started to get into our boat and overturned. The captain asked us to wear life jackets, "a passenger on the ship told news channel ABP Majha.

"I swam for fifteen minutes before being rescued by another boat," said a passenger who did not want to reveal his identity.

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