JAKARTA - The Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI) recorded 16 cases of bullying or bullying in schools during January to July 2023. The proportion of cases of bullying at the elementary level was 25 percent and SMP 25 percent of SMA 18.75 percent, SMK 18.75 percent, MTs 6.25 percent, and Islamic boarding schools 6.25 percent.
Secretary General of FSGI Heru Purnomo said the total number of victims of bullying in the education unit was a total of 43 people consisting of 41 95.4 percent of students and 2 4.6 percent of teachers.
The bullying actors were dominated by students, namely 87 students with 92.5 percent, the rest were carried out by educators, namely 5 educators with 5.3 percent, 1 parent of students with 1.1 percent, and 1 Head of Madrasah 1.1 percent.
This means that the biggest victims are students, namely 95.4 percent with the most bullying perpetrators as well as students, which is 92.5 percent.
"Of the 16 cases of bullying in education units, most of the cases of bullying occurred in educational units under the authority of the Ministry of Education and Culture 87.5 percent. Education units under the authority of the Ministry of Religion are only 12.5 percent. Even though there were only 2 cases of bullying, the victims reached 16 students," Heru said in his statement, Friday, August 4.
The area of bullying in the Education unit includes 8 provinces and 15 regencies/cities. The details are East Java Province (Gresik, Pasuruan and Banyuwangi Regencies), West Java Province (Bogor Regency, Garut, Bandung, Cianjur, Sukabumi and Bandung City).
Then, Central Java Province (Temanggung Regency), Bengkulu Province (Bengkulu City and Rejang Lebong Regency), South Kalimantan Province (Banjarmasin City), East Kalimantan Province ( Samarinda City), Central Kalimantan Province ( Palangkaraya City), and North Maluku Province (South Halmahera Regency).
Heru explained, of the 16 cases, 4 of them occurred in July 2023, when the 2023/2024 school year had not yet lasted a month.
As for 4 cases that occurred during July 2023, namely bullying of 14 junior high school students in Cianjur Regency experienced physical violence due to being late in school, physical violence in the sun and being kicked was carried out by a senior who was already in high school/vocational school.
"Other cases occurred in one of the SMAN in Bengkulu city, where 1 student who was diagnosed with autoimmune experienced bullying from 4 teachers and a number of their classmates. The stabbing of students who were victims of bullying to students who were strongly suspected of being bullied in one of the high schools in Samarinda was very surprising. public," explained Heru.
The last case was the teacher who was attacked by a catapult by the parents of the students, resulting in serious injuries to the teacher's eyes and experiencing permanent blindness. This case occurred as a result of the teacher kicking a student caught smoking.
"The latest update, the two parties reported to each other, the teacher was reported for alleged violence against children and teachers who were victims of reporting for abuse which resulted in serious injuries and even permanent disabilities," he explained.
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