JAKARTA - President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) Iwan Takwin said that his party was still processing the audit of the financial statements for the implementation of Formula E 2023 which was held on June 3 and 4.

"Regarding Formula E, an audit process is being carried out for completion," said Iwan in a working meeting with Commission B of the DKI DPRD, Wednesday, July 26.

Reflecting on the implementation of Formula E in 2022, Jakpro took up to five months to prepare a financial report for the implementation of this electric car race.

Then the financial audit which includes profit and loss of Formula E held by the public accounting firm (KAP) takes seven months.

At that time, PT Jakarta Propertindo's VP Corporate Secretary (Jakpro), Syachrial Syarief, said that the results of the Formula E audit by KAP were not much different from the value obtained from the preparation of PT Jakpro's internal financial statements which came out in November 2022.

"The results of the audit are reasonable. The profit is indeed different from before, yes, we conveyed that at that time 6 comma amounted to billions of rupiah (Rp 6 billion more, ed). Now, 5.29 (billion rupiah) after the audit," said Syachrial on January 31.

In his internal audit, Jakpro recorded a racing event held on June 4, 2022, earning a pre-tax profit of IDR 6.41 billion.

The profit has taken into account all revenues and cash and non-cash expenses, including obligations that are still outstanding until September 30, 2022.

However, this financial audit did not include the value of the commitment fee for Formula E allocated from the 2019 and 2020 DKI APBD of IDR 560 billion.

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