JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General TNI Dr. Dudung Abdurachman, officially closed the Education for Military Academy Cadets (Akmil), and inaugurated 356 Level IV Military Academy Cadets for the 2022-2023 Academic Year, at the Lili Rochly Building, Military Academy, Magelang, Thursday 13 July.
The closing of Level IV Military Academy Cadet Education was also attended by the General Chairperson (Ketum) of Persit KCK Mrs. Rahma Dudung Abdurachman, Commander of the Army Strategic Reserves, Commander of Doctrine, Education and Training of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Commanders of the Armed Forces Center of the Indonesian Army, Commander of the Regional Military Command IV/Dip, Assistant Personnel Chief of Staff of the Army, Assistant for Operations to the Army Chief of Staff, Assistant for Planning and Budgeting to the Army Chief of Staff, Governor of the Military Academy, and Commander of the Army Officer Candidate School.
Soldier's Oath
The series of activities began with an official statement on the closure of education by the Kasad, followed by taking the Soldier's Oath and signing the Minutes of the Soldier's Oath, as well as the awarding of the Adhi Makayasa award to Sermatutar Sawung Setiawan S.Tr (Han).

In his address, Army Chief of Staff Dudung Abdurachman congratulated all Level IV Military Academy cadets who had completed their education well, as well as an appreciation for the best graduates.
"This success should be grateful for by offering prayers to God Almighty, as well as an expression of gratitude to your parents and family who have supported your struggles and sacrifices so far. Make piety and gratitude a moral foundation in your assignment and service as officers later," the Army Chief of Staff said.
Army Chief of Staff further highlighted the era of globalization and technological developments which have brought significant changes in all fields, including in the life of soldiers. For this reason, Kasad stressed that young officers must be able to adapt to the task environment, recognize existing problems, and be able to provide solutions according to the limits of their authority.
"For young officers, these conditions reflect challenges and problems that you may not have imagined before. I hope that you always prioritize idealism in thinking and acting, and don't be easily influenced by negative things in the environment where you work. Train yourself as field leaders who can be reliable, who are able to play the role of commander, friend, teacher, coach, and father for your subordinates later, and complete the assigned tasks as well as possible," said Army Chief of Staff in his direction.
After the series of Closing Education, the activity continued with the Graduation Ceremony of Military Academy Cadet Level IV which began with the implementation of the Academic Senate Open Session, as well as Scientific Orations by the Director General of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture Kiki Yuliati, presentations from the best graduates, as well as the presentation of the Aditya Pinasti award to Sermatutar Muhammad Irwan S.Tr (Han) as the best graduate, as well as awards for the best graduates from each Study Program (Prodi).
The event was closed with an inauguration procession of 356 graduates who now officially hold the title of Applied Bachelor (S.Tr) according to their respective study programs.
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