One political party participating in the 2024 General Election did not submit a dossier to improve the registration requirements for prospective legislative candidates (caleg) of the provincial DPRD to the General Election Commission (KPU) Lampung. "Until the end of the closing of the collection of repair files on Sunday (9/7), at 23.59 WIB, only 17 political parties participating in the 2024 General Election collected the repair files to the KPU," said Lampung KPU chairman Erwan Bustomi in Bandarlampung City, Lampung, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 10 July. Erwan said that the political party participating in the election did not confirm the revision of the document for the DPRD candidate was the Garuda Party. "Yes, the Garuda Party did not confirm its presence to repair files until the closing time," he added. KPU Lampung Ismanto member explained that although the Garuda Party did not send repair documents, his party would still verify the registered documents for the party that had been collected. "So, their files will still be administrative verification," said Ismanto.
This is in accordance with the KPU regulations which states that administrative verification of the revision of administrative requirements documents for legislative candidates and administrative requirements documents for candidates and/or prospective replacement candidates during the administrative verification period of improvements is carried out through Silon. In the registration process for the candidate for the Lampung Provincial DPRD, Garuda Party only registered two candidates, namely for the Electoral Region (Dapil) II South Lampung, with details of one woman and one male.
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