JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirms that investigations into alleged corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) have been carried out for a long time. This effort has nothing to do with the 2024 presidential election (Pilpres).

This was conveyed by the Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in response to the statement by the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Denny Indrayana who accused the opposition of being targeted.

"It's been nothing. The investigation has been going on since the beginning of 2023," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to VOI, Wednesday, June 14.

Ali also said that this investigation was based on reports from the public who entered the anti-corruption commission. "Of course there is a long process," he said.

As previously reported, in the circulating message, it was stated that the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo along with two of his subordinates, KSD and HTA were also involved in this alleged corruption. This investigation is said to have been running since January 16.

This message was sent together with the Instagram account link @pedeoproject. It was mentioned there that the criminal acts investigated were Article 12E and/or Article 12B concerning Amendments to Law 31 of 1999 and Article 3 of Law Number 8 concerning TPPU in conjunction with Article 56 and 55 paragraph 1 1 of the Criminal Code.

Responding to this, Denny Indrayana said that the KPK was a tool to disrupt the Change Coalition that carried Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election. Meanwhile, NasDem became one of the parties that joined and Syahrul was a cadre.

Even so, he said this disturbance would not affect but further strengthen NasDem's position. Surya Paloh as chairman of the party is also claimed Denny will not be affected by the emerging issues.

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