JAKARTA - Chicken liver is recommended to be the Free Nutritious Food menu in overcoming anemia or lack of red blood in school children. This was said by the Lecturer of Food and Nutrition at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FK UI) Widjaja Lukito.
"I suggest that MBG has a chicken heart, sometimes we are still toowest, for example they don't eat jeroan, but make no mistake, for example a chicken heart for one day or two seeds, it's a much more devastating repair to anemia than iron pills," he said as quoted by Antara.
The chicken's heart contains heme or iron which can be absorbed quickly by cells in the human body to overcome anemia.
"The chicken's heart already provides heme, therefore the repairs are faster. If you want iron pills, you can add vitamin C, or in MBG it would be better if there were oranges, chicken hearts, that's a much better absorption," he said.
He also stated, based on research if the iron content increases, then students' memory and attention can increase.
"If iron rises, memory and attention are better," he said.
Widjaja also emphasized the importance of paying attention to the effectiveness of free nutritious feeding which can reach clinical results other than nutritional status.
"If children are given nutritious food, and their nutritional status improves, not only will their nutritional status improve, but they must reach clinical outcome (clinical outcome), for example, pay more attention to lessons, the attendance rate is lower, the attention is better," he said.
Based on data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) in 2024, 32 percent of teenagers, especially young women aged 15-24 years, experience nutritional problems with iron deficiency anemia, which is at risk of giving birth to stunting children.
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