JAKARTA - Russia's Ministry of Defense said on Monday it had signed a contract with the Chechen special forces group, the Akhmat Battalion, a day after the head of Russia's influential mercenaries Yevgeny Prigozhin refused to do so.

The signing comes after orders from all "voluntary units" to sign contracts on July 1, bringing them under the control of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, as Moscow tries to assert its control over private soldiers fighting in its name in Ukraine.

In return, volunteer fighters will benefit from the same benefits and protection as regular forces, including support for them and their families, if they are injured or killed.

The contract signed by the Ministry of Defense on Monday was with a paramilitary group of the Akhmat Battalion often referred to as the personal army of Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of the Chechen region in Russia.

Unlike Prigozhin, Kadyrov recently refrained from criticizing the Ministry of Defense. Members of the two groups have been arguing publicly, with one of Kadyrov's close allies on Thursday calling Prigozhin a blogger who always screams about the problem.

Akhmat's commander, Apty Alau Badminton, who took part in signing the contract said the unit had "prepared and sent tens of thousands of volunteers" to Ukraine in the past 15 months.

Moscow said on Friday Akhmat's troops launched an attack near Maryinka city, in Ukraine's eastern region, Donetsk.

"I think this is a very good thing," Alau Badminton was quoted as saying by the Ministry of Defense's website after signing the deal.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff Colonel General Alexei Rostislavovich Kim said, after signing the agreement with Chechens that he hoped other volunteer units would follow suit.

Wagner Group boss Prigozhin sparked a feud with the Ministry of Defense, accusing the ministry of failing to provide adequate ammunition supplies for its mercenaries in Ukraine. He said on Sunday he would refuse to sign such a contract.

Prigozhin said Wagner was fully subject to Russia's interests. However, his highly efficient command structure will be damaged by reporting to Shoigu.

"Shoigu cannot manage military formations well," Prigozhin said, adding that Wagner coordinated his actions in Ukraine with General Sergei Surovikin, nicknamed "General Armageddon" by Russian media.

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