SOUTH Sumatra - Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) South Sumatra (Sumsel) formed a Illegal Sweeping Task Force (Satgas Saber Pungli).

Head of the South Sumatra Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Iham Djaya, said that the formation was a form of commitment to eradicating extortion in all work units.

"In supporting the eradication of extortion and realizing the integrity zone of the region free from corruption (WBK) as well as the clean and service bureaucracy (WBBM) area throughout the satker (work unit), we have formed the Saber Extortion Task Force," he said in Palembang, South Sumatra, Monday, June 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the Saber Extortion Task Force has the task of mapping public services that have the potential for extortion.

Then, the task force team is also tasked with carrying out continuous surveillance to prevent, take action, and remove illegal levies.

A number of areas that are the focus of the Saber Extortion Task Force team, including in public service areas such as immigration services, services in the field of correction.

Furthermore, services for General Law Administration (AHU), Intellectual Property Service (KI), and other public services within the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sumatra.

Then, in the personnel area with a focus on employee promotion and transfer, promotion, education and training, and also in the area for the procurement of goods and services.

Iham added that his task was also to encourage the leadership of all satkers to improve and strengthen the SOPs that had been set and carry out regular monitoring and evaluation.

"To optimize the role of the Saber Extortion Task Force, we also carry out continuous socialization to the public and ASN and post a notification of telephone numbers that can be contacted in the event of illegal levies and other irregularities in public services given to the public," he said.

Based on complaint report data compiled by UPP Kemenkumham for the 2018-June 2023 period, there are 111 complaint reports (0.17 percent) ratios: 1.7/1000 employees, for that extortion prevention efforts need to be carried out through comprehensive and systematic programs with central, regional, satker/UPT synergies and community roles.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Andap Budhi Revianto reminded again about the duties and functions (tusi) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the mandatory task and implementation of tusi and authority according to Presidential Decree No. 87/2016 where the task is to be carried out to eradicate extortion effectively by optimizing the use of the press.

The seven main focuses of Menkumham Yasonna Laoly, said the Secretary General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, were the first to make creative breakthroughs to overcome challenges, improve employee morality and ethics, increase supervision of public services, financial administration, discipline, 'Zero Mistake' employees.

Maintaining and improving the integrity index so that it becomes better, don't give the KKN space, Apip as an 'role model' of integrity must really be maintained as a 'quality assurance', early warning system, and Apip must be able to anticipate fraud of various irregularities.

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