Makassar Police are investigating the death ofDSN (15), a student of grade VIII Islamic Middle School Athira, who allegedly jumped from the sixth floor of the school building on Kajaolalido Street Makassar, South Sulawesi.
"It is true (there were students killed), it is suspected that the victim jumped from the floor of the school building. This is still being investigated," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Makassar Police, AKBP Ridwan Hutagaol, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 24.
The police are still looking for the cause and asking for information from a number of people who were at the scene at the school.
"There have been four people being questioned who were at the scene at that time," said Ridwan.
To find out the cause of the incident, said Ridwan, the victim's brother, Basman Nafa Yaskura, also asked police investigators to do an autopsy so that the actual incident would be known.
"His brother asked for an autopsy, but it depends on the family. However, after being demolished, the autopsy was canceled and only carried out a post-mortem at Bhayangkara Hospital. Then the body was brought back to his house," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Ujung Pandang Police, Kompol Syarifuddin, said that the incident was estimated at 09.00 WITA during the teaching and learning process. This was after his party received information that it was found that one of Athira's students died around a volleyball court in the local school area.
"We quickly went to the TKP to secure it, then we evacuated the victim to the Academic Hospital for medical treatment. We can't confirm the initial information about the jump from the building, but we can't confirm it because we are investigating and processing the crime scene. This is so that the incident can be clear," he explained.
"We have not been able to conclude what the cause of death was, but basically our team is processing the crime scene and collecting information material including examining witnesses," he said.
After undergoing a post-mortem, the victim's body was then taken to the funeral home, on Jalan Aroepala ex Hertasning Baru, Taman Goseng Housing, Rapppocini District, Makassar.
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