BANDUNG - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) has decided to send some of its waste to the Pasir Bajing final disposal site (TPA) in Garut Regency.

Head of the Bandung City Environment Agency, Dudi Prayudi, said that the transfer of waste to Garut was a temporary solution due to the almost full capacity of the Sarimukti TPA in West Bandung Regency.

"There is a reduction, but this is a gradual process that cannot be done at once, so to fulfill that commitment, we need cooperation with other parties, in this case the Garut Regency Government," said Bandung, West Java,

Dudy said the collaboration with Garut Regency would last for the next three months, while waiting for several Integrated Waste Processing Sites (TPST) in Bandung City to be ready for use.

According to him, the Bandung City Government initially had a quota of 170 ritace per day to dispose of waste at the Sarimukti TPA. However, the West Java Provincial Government requested a reduction in ritase to 140 ritace per day to overcome excess capacity.

"We hope that in the next three months we can operate optimally (TPST), so that all 140 ritase commitments to Sarimukti can be accommodated," he said.

During this collaboration, he said, the Bandung City Government will send an average of 15 waste ritases per day to the Pasir Bajing TPA, with each ritase carrying about 10 tons of garbage.

In this cooperation, his party had to pay a retribution to the Garut Regency Government of Rp. 75 thousand per ton.

"Yes, before the agreement took place, we discussed it and the results of their study that the capacity of their TPA was still possible, as was the case with Sarimukti. Three months until March the cooperation," he said.

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