TEGAL - The process of evacuating the tourism bus for the recitation group from Tangerang has not yet been completed. The obstacle is because the equipment has not yet arrived.
Tegal Police Chief AKBP Moc Sajarod Zakun said the problem was due to road conditions, so it was difficult for vehicles to go to the scene.
"Waiting for heavy equipment that is on the way. Due to the condition of the road to the TKP, heavy equipment vehicles are prone to pass," said Zakun via text message to VOI, Monday, May 8.
Zakun estimates that the heavy equipment deployed will arrive at the scene at 15.00 WIB.
"Approximately 1-2 hours until the crime scene," he said.
Later, said Zakun, after the tourism bus was successfully evacuated. His party immediately processed the place of occurrence (TKP).
"Later we will process the crime scene and check the conditions," he concluded.
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