MAKASSAR - A number of health workers (nakes) at the puskesmas in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, present an ice cream and yogurt innovation based on kelor leaves as an effort to prevent stunting.

The innovation is a Health Center Program Based on Health Research (Barista) as a leading innovation in Pattalassang District in collaboration with the Pacellekang Village Health Center.

The head of the PKK Mobilization Team, Patalassang District, Sesa Baharuddin, through his statement in Gowa, Saturday, said that the Barista Health Center innovation provides training to PKK cadres and posyandu cadres for the manufacture of ice cream and yogurt leaves, with a nutritional dose needed by babies or toddlers indicated or experienced stunting.

"We are assisted by the Paccelekang Health Center and the Pattallassang Health Center with the innovation of the Barista Health Center. We provide training to PKK cadres and posyandu cadres to understand and master the manufacture of ice cream and yogurt made from kelor leaves," said Sesa.

His party chose ice cream from kelor leaves because ice cream is very popular with children, so with this ice cream and yogurt processing, nutrition needs can be absorbed by toddlers who are indicated as stunted.

The day before, demonstrations on the manufacture of ice cream and yogurt made from kelor leaves had also been carried out before the Supervision, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Team (SMEP) of the Gowa Regency PKK Mobilization Team in Pacellekang Village.

Deputy Chairperson of the Gowa Regency PKK Mobilization Team, Mussadiyah Rauf, appreciated the innovation of the Barista Health Center because the ice cream processing from kelor leaves is quite unique and from the composition, all the nutrients are fulfilled so that it is very good for the growth of toddlers.

"We appreciate this innovation, it is quite unique and the composition is complete, the taste, and the texture is also good," said Mussadiyah.

In the future, he hopes that all villages/kelurahan, especially in Pattallassang District, can imitate this ice cream and yogurt innovation from kelor leaves.

"We hope that this innovation can be imitated by villages in Patalassang District," he said.

He considered that in general Pattallassang District was quite good because there had been innovations, but there were still things that needed to be addressed. "In this supervision, we evaluated 10 PKK programs, to what extent the achievement was to measure SMEP's achievements in the following year," said Mussadiyah.

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