OKU - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra appealed to travelers from Java-Palembang to pass through toll roads to anticipate landslides. Head of Emergency and Logistics for BPBD South OKU Heri said the access to the Lampung-Palembang route in the local district, precisely at Simpang Sender Utara, Buay Pematang Ribu Subdistrict, Central Ranau (BPRRT) was quite concerning. "After the landslide disaster occurred in 2021 until now, the route has not been repaired by the relevant agencies," he said in Muaradua, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, April 12. In fact, the main access to the main tourist destination in South OKU Regency, Lake Ranau, is in danger of breaking up after the landslide that occurred two years ago. According to him, the road access that experienced landslides was 20 meters long, which currently only leaves half of the road with a width of two meters. Meanwhile, some other road bodies have been eroded into a ravine as deep as 35 meters that endangers road users. Heri admitted that his party could not confirm when the route to the travelers would be repaired by the relevant agencies. "Information from the Public Works Office of South Sumatra Province is currently in the auction process stage. After that, the landslide road was immediately repaired," he explained. To anticipate things that are not desirable, currently his party has installed landslide warning signs along the route.
"Installation of this sign is to urge two and four-wheeled riders to be careful when crossing the route," he said.

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