Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, visited Gerindra Chairman Prabowo Subianto in Hambalang, Bogor, West Java, Sunday, March 5 afternoon.

Paloh was greeted by Prabowo who then walked together to enter the residence of the Defense Minister's family. Arriving in one area, Paloh took the time to wash his hands with clean water from a jug provided by officers.

There was also a sound from the compact drumband accompanying Paloh's arrival from his arrival in Hambalang.

The second step by the leader of the political party supporting the government was also stopped in the pavilion section of the house. Surya pointed his hand as if he was stunned by the magnificent part of the room like in the palace.

Paloh then ate with Prabowo at the long table that had been provided. At that table, the Daily Chairperson Gerindra Dasco, Deputy Gerindra Sugiono, Prasetyo Hadi, and Maher Algadri were also present.

Meanwhile, Paloh during this visit was accompanied by the Chairman of the NasDem DPP Willy Aditya, NasDem Deputy Secretary General Hermawi Taslim, Chairman of the Indonesian Election Winning Sugeng Suparwoto, and Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council Peter F. Gontha.

The group of NasDem General Chair Surya Paloh consisting of 4 cars arrived at the residence of the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, at around 11.24 WIB, Sunday, March 5.

Previously, Willy Aditya said Paloh was scheduled to meet Prabowo in Hambalang, West Java, Sunday, March 5.

The second meeting was in the context of Prabowo's return visit to visit Paloh on June 1, 2022, at Tower Nasdem, Central Jakarta.

"The agenda for reply visits and lunch together," Willy Aditya told reporters Saturday, March 4.

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