JAKARTA - The Indonesia House of Representatives (DPR) approved the Draft Law (RUU) on Health to be discussed further at the 16th plenary session for the 2022-2023 III trial period, Tuesday, 14 February. Eight factions agreed that the Health Bill would be a proposal for the DPR's initiative, but the PKS faction refused.

Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, initially questioned the members whether the faction's mini opinion on the Bill on Health could be submitted in writing.

"To shorten the time it was agreed that the opinions of the factions were submitted in writing to the Leaders of the Council. Can they be approved?" asked Dasco chair of the trial.

Then, a Member of the DPR from the PKS faction, Ansory Siregar, interrupted if his faction's views wanted to be read directly.

"Leaders, leaders, read the leaders", said Ansory.

"Fine, please. Specifically for PKS read it", Dasco said, receiving Ansory's interruption.

Ansory then read out the faction's opinion and stated that PKS rejected the Health Bill as an initiative by the DPR.

"Leaders and members of the Indonesia House of Representatives and the audience who we respect, considering some of the things that we have explained, we, the PKS faction, by saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, reject the draft bill on Health to become the Indonesia House of Representatives' initiative bill", said Ansory.

Dasco also accepted the opinion of the mini PKS and asked the other factions to submit their opinions in writing. Then, he questioned whether the Health Bill could be approved as an initiative by the DPR.

"Thus the nine factions have expressed their faction's opinions and Mami asked whether the bill proposed by the Indonesia House of Representatives Legislative Body on Health can be approved as a bill proposed by the Indonesia House of Representatives?" asked Dasco

"Agreed", answered all plenary session participants, except members of the PKS faction.

For information, today's plenary meeting was attended by 28 physical council members and 191 virtual council members. Meetings are also open to the public.

Previously, a Legislature member of the Indonesia House of Representatives, Ledia Hanifa Amaliah, mentioned seven reasons why the PKS faction rejected the Health Bill. First, the PKS faction believes that the state is obliged to fulfil one of the basic rights of the people, namely to get quality health services.

"Therefore, improving the quality of health services must be a priority in drafting this Health Bill as mandated by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia", said Ledia in her statement.

Second, the PKS faction thinks that the drafting of the Health Bill which is being discussed using the omnibus method should not lead to a regulatory vacuum, or regulatory contradictions, and must also ensure meaningful participation in drafting, given the many laws that will be affected in the drafting of this Draft Bill on Health.

Third, the PKS faction thinks that there are arrangements in several laws that have been abolished in the draft Health Bill. Thus, this creates a legal vacuum.

"Among other things, the abolition of the rules regarding SIPB for midwives, which in this bill only states that they will be regulated in government regulations, as well as the abolition of a midwifery practice which regulates practice places and the number according to the midwife's education level", said the Secretary of the PKS faction.

Fourth, the PKS faction thinks that the government's assignment to BPJS, which is an independent public legal entity, must be accompanied by government obligations and funding.

Fifth, the PKS faction thinks that there are vulnerabilities in the draft Health Bill article 236 regarding medical workers and health workers of foreign nationals being able to practice at healthcare facilities in Indonesia in the context of investment or non-investment.

"This vulnerability is related to Indonesian medical and health workers who are very likely to be removed in the name of investment or technology transfer", he said.

Sixth, the PKS faction thinks that in all countries regulations regarding health, and professions are regulated in separate laws. Supposedly, this Draft Health Bill does not remove material for regulating the professions of medical personnel and health workers as stipulated in Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice, Law Number 36 of 2014 concerning Health Workers, and Law Number 38 of 2014. 2014 concerning Nursing, and Law Number 4 of 2019 concerning Midwifery.

Seventh, the PKS faction thinks that the health budget must be allocated adequately to ensure that the state provides quality health services that are accessible to the people of Indonesia.

"Considering some of the things that we have described above, we, the Prosperous Justice Party faction, by saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, declare that we reject the draft Law on Health for discussion at a later stage", concluded the Member of the Indonesian People's Representative Council for the electoral district of West Java I.

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