YOGYAKARTA - Gun control is one of the most divisive issues in foreign politics, for example America. With each mass shooting defined as four or more victims who were killed indiscriminately, antagonism grew between the two sides of the argument for arms control. So what are the rules for possession of firearms abroad?

More stringent arms regulatory advocates are concerned about their safety in a country where on average there are 88 weapons per 100 people, according to the 2011 Small Weapons Survey. Brady's Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence estimates that around 114,994 people are shot annually in the US. These include murder, assault, accidents, police interventions, suicide and suicide attempts.

Opponents of regulatory arguments, however, are also afraid of losing security. They argue that limiting the right to carry weapons will make citizens unable to protect themselves in everyday life or, in the worst-case scenario, from governments turning against the people.

Although regulations vary from state to state, there are some key conditions for obtaining weapons in the US.

Is there a minimum age?

The 1968 gun Control Act (GCA), which regulates firearms at the federal level, requires citizens and official residents to be at least 18 years old to buy rifles or rifles and ammunition. All other firearms pistols, for example, can only be sold to people aged 21 years and over.

State or local officials can impose a higher age limit but are not allowed to lower the federal minimum limit.

Who is prohibited from buying or possessing firearms?

Fugitives, people deemed dangerous to society, and patients who were accidentally put into mental hospitals were among those who were not allowed to buy firearms. People with previous crime sentences that included more than a year in prison, or minor offenses with a sentence of more than two years, were also barred from buying firearms.

Federal law also blocks the sale of weapons to people found guilty of possessing or using illegally controlled substances in the past year. This includes marijuana, which, although legalized in many US states, remains illegal under federal law.

Other restrictions apply to people who have been issued a court order to prevent harassment, stalking, or threats; people who have relinquished their citizenship; dishonorable dismissed military personnel; unofficial migrants; and people who temporarily visit the US on non-immigrant visas, for example as tourists.

Does the federal government or state regulate firearms?

The Second Amendment serves as a legal basis for "the people's right to store and carry weapons."

While state and local governments regulate whether residents are allowed, for example, to carry weapons in public, laws governing who is allowed to accept or own weapons are regulated at the federal level.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), a division of the Department of Justice, manages the GCA. It also sets standards for issuing licenses to gun vendors.

Rifles, rifles, firearms exhausts, and sound dampers are regulated by the 1934 National Firearms Act. The purchase of semi-automatic weapons is legal in most states, as are automatic weapons made before 1986.

Firearm Ownership Rules In Indonesia

The National Criminal Information Center (Pusiknas) of the National Police in its official news said that civilians may have firearms (senpi) as a means of self-defense. However, the possession of this firearm should be appropriate with the requirements and provisions set by the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

Civilians are not allowed to wear it when they are not needed. Not only that, the guns they have should not be shown in public, let alone to scare others.

But not all civilians can have permits to own firearms, only certain categories such as president directors, ministers, government officials, major businessmen, commissioners, advocates and doctors.

Not only that, prospective firearms owners, for at least three years they must have shooting skills. They will also be tested through psychological experiments and health experiments.

Prospective owners of firearms should also legally receive a permit from the agency or office in charge of possession of firearms.

So after knowing the rules for possession of firearms, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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