JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri emphasized that it would cooperate with the investigation process conducted by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding the attack on the 6 special laskar of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

"I assure you that our investigative team will always and will continue to cooperate with all parties. As you can see that today the Komnas HAM team has conducted examinations related to car evidence," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Andi Rian. to reporters, Monday, December 21.

Polri's cooperative attitude is shown by being willing to show evidence in the form of three cars. The vehicle was used by members and the laskar when the attack occurred.

"This is the third moment for us to cooperate in attending to requests or following requests from the Komnas HAM team in the form of invitations for interviews, including to show evidence, and of course I will still make sure it is carried out in the future," he explained.

However, Andi did not reveal the condition of the vehicle carrying the 6 FPI paramilitary troops and the Police officers. The reason is that it is included in the investigative material.

"It becomes material for investigations, it is not suitable for us to convey to the public, not later as material to build a narrative. I think that's enough," he concluded.

Previously reported, Komnas HAM will visit Polda Metro Jaya. The goal was to inspect the car carrying the six special FPI troops who were guarding Rizieq Shihab who was killed.

"Later in the afternoon we will check the car. We have confirmed it at the car station, at Polda Metro Jaya because the car is there," said Komnas HAM Investigation Team Chairman Choirul Anam to reporters at the Komnas HAM office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, December 21. .

According to him, his party had sent a letter to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police Headquarters regarding this activity. Car inspections were carried out at Polda Metro Jaya because technically, cars were difficult to bring to the Komnas HAM office.

"The information we got was that there was a car that had to be towed, so we will see it there," he said.

Later in the examination, Anam said that his party would check the condition of the car. Including matching all existing findings.

"We check everything, we will match it with the various findings we have obtained. Later we will test it with an analysis whether there is a match or incompatibility between the information and the physical evidence of the car," he added.

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