The Bali High Prosecutor's Office revealed the reasons for 20 witnesses who were absent from fulfilling the summons of Special Crime investigators from 45 people who were summoned in the investigation process suspected of misappropriation of Institution Development Contribution (SPI) funds at Udayana University.

Head of the Legal Information Section (Kasi Penkum) of the Bali Attorney General's Office, A Luga Harlianto, in Denpasar, Bali, Friday stated that witnesses from the internal environment of Udayana University did not fulfill the summons of the Special Criminal Investigators of the Bali High Prosecutor's Office because they had strong and accountable reasons.

"The reason for the main absence is because at the beginning of our beginning there was already a schedule, they were having an internal audit or other activities from the ministry," Luga said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 10.

However, Luga warned that if later in the second summons there were witnesses who did not fulfill the investigator's summons, the investigators would use their authority as ordered by the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP).

"Later, if we see the essence of this witness is very important and his presence cannot be accounted for, the Criminal Procedure Code will also give us the authority to be able to present it forcibly and ask for information forcibly," said Luga. The investigation process based on complaints from members of the community has found sufficient preliminary evidence, so that the handling of the report is increased to the investigation stage as of October 24, 2022. So far, Bali Attorney General's Office investigators have made efforts as regulated in the Criminal Procedure Law to find evidence with such evidence will shed light on criminal events in order to find suspects.

This effort began with carrying out a search aimed at immediately finding and securing documents related to the receipt of the Student Institution Development Fund (SPI) for the self-selection of Udayana University for the Academic Year 2018/2019 to 2022/2023 by securing more than 200 documents which are still being sorted and investigated by the Investigating Prosecutor.

In addition to confiscating the documents, until now those who have entered the sixth week, said Luga, Bali Attorney General's Office investigators have examined 25 witnesses.

Luga ensured that the Bali Attorney General's Office investigators remained focused on handling cases related to education by following the Procedure Code, SOPs and the presumption of innocence and the protection of witnesses, so that the handling of investigations was carried out professionally and measurably.

Bali Attorney General's Office investigators have also coordinated with experts as an effort by investigators to strengthen evidence.

With these evidences, said Luga, it is hoped that the Bali Attorney General's Office will make light of irregularities in the receipt of the New Student Institution Development Fund (SPI) for the selection of independent routes at Udayana University for the Academic Year 2018/2019 until 2022/2023 and determine suspects.

Luga hopes that people who feel aggrieved in the implementation of the New Student Institution Development Fund (SPI) for self-selection at Udayana University can provide their statements as witnesses without fear because the safety of information in providing information is something that is firmly held by the Bali High Prosecutor's Office.

"This is a form of protection for witnesses who provide information in the investigation of criminal acts," said Luga.

Meanwhile, the Assistant for Special Crimes at the Bali High Prosecutor's Office, Agus Eko Purnomo, said that most likely in handling the case, his party would summon other witnesses if necessary. "In the future, we will definitely add witnesses. There are still many witnesses that we still need because this case is complex. We have only opened one door. Later there will be others. Everything is still in process, according to the Criminal Code, we cannot mention just anyone," said Eko Purnomo.

As for the material for the investigation, he said, the possibility will also increase not only the use of SPI for the 2018 to 2022 academic year, but it could also be less or more.

"The determination of the year can increase or decrease. The initial report starts from 2018 to 2022, later it will be studied and will be investigated depending on the evidence. What determines later is the conclusion of the investigation and the indictment. It will be seen later that the end of the indictment, and the losses caused will be seen there," he said.

His party is only waiting for the maximum evidence to determine the potential suspect so that the investigation does not stop in the middle of the road due to the lack of evidence.

"The evidence already exists, but we need to get maximum evidence, not only at least. Therefore, I ask investigators to fulfill five pieces of evidence considering this case is the first case in Indonesia," he said.

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