Cianjur Earthquake Update as of Thursday 24 November: 272 Dead, 165 People Have Been Identified
Screenshot of BNPB Indonesia's Youtube

JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has updated the latest data regarding the death toll from the 5.6 magnitude earthquake that rocked Cianjur, West Java, last Monday, November 21.

The head of BNPB, Suharyanto, said that on the fourth day of the evacuation process, it was known that 272 people had died.

"Today, the number of victims is 272, because today a body was found in the name of Mrs. Nining, aged 64. Now, out of these 272 that have been identified by name by address, there are 165 people", explained Suharyanto in a press conference quoted from the BNPB Indonesia Youtube channel, Thursday, November 24.

Meanwhile, the missing victims amounted to 40 people. Today, his party has only found one person, bringing the total to 39. Suharyanto added that the missing victim is a Cijendil, Cugenang District resident.

"Well, all of these missing victims have their names and families identified, so this is to facilitate the search that is being carried out continuously by the joint SAR team", explained Suharyanto.

He added that the total team to evacuate and search for the missing victims was 6,000. Due to the rough terrain and rainy weather conditions, the search effort was a bit hampered.

"For the injured, 2,046 people, 62,545 people evacuated. Now, on this occasion, we will inform the people who feel that their family members are missing in reporting to the command post so that this is clear. Name, place of residence, characteristics, age, type gender, and so on."

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